This year was definitely the wildest ride I’ve ever been on! For so many reasons, for so many people. Every year, we all go through our ups and downs and come out on the other side of it, but this year has definitely been the most testing by far. But as I sit here and think about the year that I’ve had, I realize how much I’ve grown and how much I’ve learned. I’ve dealt with big emotions and learned a lot along the way. I’ve been able to reflect on what is actually important to a happy life and see what it means to have true friendships. And for that, 2020, I will always be grateful! This year, I decided to reflect on one thing each month that changed my life, stood out, was a goal, or an accomplishment and make a list of it to remember! So here goes!
January: I finally got to spend New Years at Disneyland!
February: Went through a break-up with the worst I’ve ever dated lol, visited my sister, niece, and brother-in-law, heard my nephew’s heartbeat, and ended up getting a blood transfusion all in a few short days 😬 (the shortest month was so eventful!)
March: Covid-19 shutdown in CA
April: I became an auntie all over again!
May: Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic myomectomy that changed my whole life
June: May my uncle be resting peacefully
July: My 32nd birthday!!!!
August: Beach days, moved classrooms and began teaching a new grade
September: New job!!!!
October: Another wake-up call ER visit and almost blood transfusion , pumpkin patch
November: Seeing family, Thanksgiving, boat outing, haircut after over a year!
December: Won a teacher giveaway, good news at the doctor, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and the reminder that everything happens for a reason and we learn from it 🤍
This was definitely the most eventful year I’ve ever had, during a pandemic, where I wasn’t going anywhere! I am incredibly grateful and hopeful for the next year, wishing and praying for all of the others that are going through so much more. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!